The Trusted Issuers Registry (TIR) is responsible for managing and verifying the list of entities authorized to issue claims. This registry ensures that only verified and trusted issuers can contribute to the identity verification process, thereby enhancing the security and reliability of the protocol.
Authorization of Issuers:
The TIR maintains a list of authorized claim issuers. These issuers are trusted entities that can issue claims verifying various aspects of an identity, such as KYC status, AML compliance, and more.
Interoperability with Identity Verification:
The TIR works in conjunction with the Identity Registry and the Claim Topics Registry to verify the claims associated with an ONCHAINID. This integration ensures that all claims are issued by recognized and trusted entities.
Dynamic Management:
The registry allows for the dynamic addition and removal of trusted issuers. This flexibility ensures that the list of trusted issuers can be updated as new issuers are verified or existing issuers are revoked.
Listing Trusted Issuers:
The TIR lists the addresses of entities authorized to issue claims. Each trusted issuer is added to the registry through a formal process to ensure their credibility and reliability.
Verification Process:
During the identity verification process, the Identity Registry checks the claims on an ONCHAINID against the list of trusted issuers in the TIR. If the claims are issued by entities listed in the TIR and meet the required claim topics, they are considered valid.
Integration with Other Components:
The TIR integrates with the Identity Registry Storage and the Claim Topics Registry to provide a comprehensive verification process. This ensures that all claims are valid and issued by trusted entities, maintaining the integrity of the protocol.
Identity Registry: The TIR provides the list of trusted issuers to the Identity Registry. This information is used to verify the claims on an ONCHAINID during the identity verification process.
Claim Topics Registry: The TIR works with the Claim Topics Registry to ensure that only claims issued by trusted entities are considered valid. This collaboration enhances the security and reliability of the verification process.
Enhanced Security:
By maintaining a list of trusted issuers, the TIR ensures that only verified and credible entities can issue claims. This reduces the risk of fraudulent claims and enhances the security of the T-REX protocol.
Regulatory Compliance:
The TIR supports regulatory compliance by ensuring that all claims used for identity verification are issued by trusted entities. This compliance is crucial for maintaining the legal integrity of the protocol.
Flexibility and Adaptability:
The ability to dynamically manage the list of trusted issuers allows the TIR to adapt to changing regulatory requirements and new entrants in the market. This flexibility ensures long-term compliance and operational efficiency.
The Trusted Issuers Registry interface defines the set of functions and events used to manage and verify trusted claim issuers within the T-REX protocol. Below is a detailed breakdown of each function and event, explaining its purpose, source, and functionality.
Description: Emitted when a trusted issuer is added to the registry.
Description: Emitted when a trusted issuer is removed from the registry.
Description: Emitted when the set of claim topics is changed for a given trusted issuer.
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Registers a ClaimIssuer contract as a trusted claim issuer. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a TrustedIssuerAdded
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Removes the ClaimIssuer contract of a trusted claim issuer. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a TrustedIssuerRemoved
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Updates the set of claim topics that a trusted issuer is allowed to emit. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a ClaimTopicsUpdated
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Returns an array of all claim issuers registered in the Trusted Issuers Registry.
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Returns an array of all claim issuer addresses that are allowed to issue a given claim topic.
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Checks if a given ClaimIssuer contract is trusted.
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Returns the set of claim topics that a given trusted issuer is allowed to emit.
Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry
Description: Checks if a given trusted issuer is allowed to emit a certain claim topic.