Trusted Issuers Registry Interface

The Trusted Issuers Registry interface defines the set of functions and events used to manage and verify trusted claim issuers within the T-REX protocol. Below is a detailed breakdown of each function and event, explaining its purpose, source, and functionality.



Description: Emitted when a trusted issuer is added to the registry.

event TrustedIssuerAdded(IClaimIssuer indexed trustedIssuer, uint256[] claimTopics);



Description: Emitted when a trusted issuer is removed from the registry.

event TrustedIssuerRemoved(IClaimIssuer indexed trustedIssuer);



Description: Emitted when the set of claim topics is changed for a given trusted issuer.

event ClaimTopicsUpdated(IClaimIssuer indexed trustedIssuer, uint256[] claimTopics);


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Registers a ClaimIssuer contract as a trusted claim issuer. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a TrustedIssuerAdded event.

function addTrustedIssuer(IClaimIssuer _trustedIssuer, uint256[] calldata _claimTopics) external;


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Removes the ClaimIssuer contract of a trusted claim issuer. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a TrustedIssuerRemoved event.

function removeTrustedIssuer(IClaimIssuer _trustedIssuer) external;


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Updates the set of claim topics that a trusted issuer is allowed to emit. This function can only be called by the owner of the Trusted Issuers Registry contract and emits a ClaimTopicsUpdated event.

function updateIssuerClaimTopics(IClaimIssuer _trustedIssuer, uint256[] calldata _claimTopics) external;


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Returns an array of all claim issuers registered in the Trusted Issuers Registry.

function getTrustedIssuers() external view returns (IClaimIssuer[] memory);


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Returns an array of all claim issuer addresses that are allowed to issue a given claim topic.

function getTrustedIssuersForClaimTopic(uint256 claimTopic) external view returns (IClaimIssuer[] memory);


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Checks if a given ClaimIssuer contract is trusted.

function isTrustedIssuer(address _issuer) external view returns (bool);


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Returns the set of claim topics that a given trusted issuer is allowed to emit.

function getTrustedIssuerClaimTopics(IClaimIssuer _trustedIssuer) external view returns (uint256[] memory);


Source: ITrustedIssuersRegistry

Description: Checks if a given trusted issuer is allowed to emit a certain claim topic.

function hasClaimTopic(address _issuer, uint256 _claimTopic) external view returns (bool);

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